With Women’s Health Conditions

If you have a Women’s Health condition

If you are suffering with a women’s health condition, such as

  • PCOS
  • Endometriosis
  • painful periods
  • pelvic pain
  • irregular cycles
  • unexplained Infertility
  • hormonal disorders
  • male factor infertility
  • luteal phase defect or
  • immune factors
  • then we may be able to help

We aim to holistically address these conditions using Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, focusing on regulating the menstrual cycle, optimising hormonal balance, minimising pain and reducing any immune factors at play.

Women’s Health Conditions


Endometriosis commonly has both an immune and hormonal component It can reduce fertility as it impacts egg quality and endometrial receptivity. In Chinese Medicine, endometriosis is seen as a pattern of combined hormonal imbalance and blood stagnation in the ovaries and uterus. Chinese Medicine utilises acupuncture points that aim to regulate blood flow in the uterus and ovaries and that reduce pain and inflammation. It often combines acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine, which aims to address the underlying hormonal imbalance and improve blood flow.

The amount of research published on the treatment of endometriosis with Chinese Medicine is increasing. Several reviews have analysed findings from trials that evaluated the effect of Chinese Medicine or acupuncture on endometriosis pain, ovarian function, recurrence rates and pregnancy rates,  while other randomised controlled trials have examined the use of Chinese medicine to prevent recurrence and to improve pregnancy rates after surgery. One large review has analysed the effect of acupuncture on dysmenorrhoea (painful periods). It is included in this section, since pelvic pain from any source is to represent a blockage in Qi and Blood flow, which, from a Chinese medicine viewpoint  is important to address in order to achieve optimum health. To comply with AHPRA advertising guidelines we have removed the plain english summaries, abstracts and PDFs of this research . Please feel free to contact us if you would like any information about any research papers listed here.


PCOS and irregular cycles

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a disorder that is well described in terms of clinical symptoms but poorly understood in terms of cause. Both PCOS as a condition and irregular cycles are caused by underlying hormonal imbalances.  Chinese medicine aims to regulate the hormones, increase regularity of ovulation and menstrual cycles, and reduce any other associated symptoms.

Given the lack of western medicine treatments for this syndrome (other than insulin lowering medication), there is a lot of interest in exploring therapies such as acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. The effect of these on reducing blood sugar, insulin and testosterone levels, supporting weight loss, and increasing ovulation frequency have been studied in the trials listed here, as has the effect of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine on IVF outcomes and OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) in PCOS patients. We have also included trials examining the effect of acupuncture on obesity and metabolic syndrome here, since many PCOS patients have a similar clinical presentation to these.

To comply with AHPRA advertising guidelines we have removed our plain English summaries, the abstracts and PDFs of these trials. Please feel free to contact us if you would like any information about any research papers listed here.

PCOS and irregular cycles

What the consult looks like

The initial Traditional Chinese Medicine consult is 70 minutes in duration. In this appointment, the practitioner will review your medical and reproductive history in detail and discuss traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis. One of the diagnostic methods used by the TCM doctor is the pulse and the tongue (See video below) diagnosis.  Once TCM diagnosis is established a comprehensive treatment plan will be made which will include appropriate lifestyle and dietary advice, an acupuncture treatment, as well as herbal medicine and or nutritional supplement prescription where appropriate.


More information and blogs

We believe in giving back to the community and empowering our patients with accurate and reliable resources and information. We offer free patient education and pride ourselves on giving patients the information they need to empower them on their fertility, pregnancy and motherhood and general health journey.  

We offer educational resources and tips via our mailing list. Whether you are currently trying to conceive, undergoing IVF, pregnant, a mum or seeking information about male health, you can trust the information you receive from us as we make sure the resources we supply are both accurate and evidence-based. Whatever stage you are up to in your journey, we invite you to join the most relevant list for your unique situation: 

If you are undergoing IVF or on a fertility journey, it can be to find accurate and reliable information. Our private Facebook Group was set up to help educate, empower and support women and men on their path to parenthood, and to help make the fertility journey a little bit easier.

Here are some top resources:

  Endometriosis  and Fertility 

 Ingredients for egg health with Tasha Jennings