Chinese Medicine Text

Source: Elsevier Science, Jane Lyttleton, May 2013

This text, written in plain english, for doctors of Chinese medicine and other health professionals or patients interested in knowing more about treatment options, provides an accessible and thorough description of a Chinese medicine approach of female and male reproductive health.

Providing a clear understanding of reproductive medicine, this practical resource analyses and describes the diagnoses and clinical approaches with Chinese medicine. It includes Western medical information with explanations of physiology, reproductive biology, and modern ART treatments to expand the understanding of patient options. Content discusses all aspects of achieving a successful pregnancy, including pre-conception care, conception, pregnancy and miscarriage, and modern medical treatments.

Download the foreword to Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine by AProf Gavin Sacks, IVF Australia

Jane Lyttleton, BSc(Hons)NZ, MPhil(Lond), Dip TCM(Aus), Dip Ac(China), Cert Gyn(China), Private Practitioner, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Paddington Medical Centre and Lecturer, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Primary – Chinese medicine practitioners (both acupuncturists and herbalists), Chinese medicine students
Secondary – O&G doctors, consumers

1. A Tale of Two Clinics 2. The Menstrual Cycle 3. Charting the Menstrual Cycle 4. Diagnosis and Treatment of Female Infertility; Part One: Making a diagnosis Part Two: The treatment of functional infertility by TCM 5. Gynaecological Disorders Which Can Cause Infertility 6. Blockage of the Fallopian Tubes 7. Male Infertility 8. Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage and Ectopic Pregnancy 9. Diet and Lifestyle 10. Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Appendix 1: Herbs – Pinyin, Latin and Chinese Characters Appendix 2: Herbs which can move the Blood Appendix 3: Herbs Contraindicated During Pregnancy Appendix 4: Herbal Formulas Mentioned in this Book

Bibliographic & ordering Information
Hardbound, 440 pages, publication date: MAR-2004
ISBN-13: 978-0-443-06640-5
ISBN-10: 0-443-06640-X

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Acupuncture Pregnancy Clinic
The Acupuncture Pregnancy Clinic (formerly known as The Acupuncture IVF Support Clinic) a network of clinics that focus on supporting patients through their fertility, IVF and pregnancy journey.