Stress and infertility

Why is it that acupuncture is so often seen to reduce anxiety, improve mood, manage stress and increase resilience? That is a question that many researchers have tried to address – coming up with findings related to increased endorphin or serotonin levels or decreased cortisol or adrenalin levels or regulation of endocannabinoid levels.

While we still don’t know all the mechanisms it is becoming clearer that managing stress is an important part of infertility treatment.

A dozen or so publications listed below describe the effect of acupuncture on stress levels of IVF patients and others suffering anxiety or depression. Another group of papers listed here examines the effect of stress on fertility and IVF outcomes.

Abstracts of these papers along with plain English summaries have been removed to comply with AHPRA guidelines. If you are interested to receive any of these, or any other information about stress and fertility please don’t hesitate to ask us.

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Acupuncture Pregnancy Clinic
The Acupuncture Pregnancy Clinic (formerly known as The Acupuncture IVF Support Clinic) a network of clinics that focus on supporting patients through their fertility, IVF and pregnancy journey.In NSW our clinics are located in Sydney CBD, Alexandria, Westmead and the Central Coast. We also have clinics in Victoria in East Melbourne and Mornington.As industry leaders in Traditional Chinese Medicine for fertility, all of our practitioners are degree-qualified in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, AHPRA registered and have extensive training and experience in reproductive medicine and offer private health rebates.