Advice for all situations

You can download these information sheets by clicking on the links below

Preparing to Conceive Female Fertility

Preparing to Conceive

Did you know that it takes four and a half months from the time the follicle in your ovary starts to develop to the moment where the egg it contains is mature enough for ovulation? There’s a lot you can do during this time, which will influence the development of that egg.

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Your Embryo Transfer


All over the world embryos arrive, and survive, in the uteruses of women in all sorts of different circumstances and with very little attention paid to changing behaviour. But your embryo is slightly different simply because you have put such a lot into getting this far. Please treat yourself and your embryo gently for the next couple of weeks.

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A Positive Pregnancy Test


During these first few weeks of pregnancy it is important to pace yourself and not overwork or get overtired. Your body is undergoing enormous changes as it adapts to being pregnant. This can be quite draining for the duration of the first trimester so save any demanding jobs til after week 12.

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Pregnancy and Labour

Acupuncture-Pregnancy-249An ancient Chinese obstetric text tells us, “A pregnant woman carries within her the finest piece of jade. She should enjoy all things, look at fine art and be attended by handsome servants”. In the absence of servants, handsome or otherwise, at least try to take some time for yourself, enjoy a wide variety of delicious fresh foods, including adequate protein, and exercise regularly, but gently, in a pleasant environment.

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Preparing to Conceive Male Fertility


If your semen analysis was less than perfect, you are not alone. Male infertility is the most common reason for couples attending an IVF clinic. However IVF/ICSI is not a cure for male infertility – it is a bypass procedure. But the good news is that there is a lot that you can do to improve your sperm. You may need to change some aspects of your diet and lifestyle for a few months – but you will feel better for it and if your sperm respond well then you may not need to use IVF.

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects fertility and blood sugar metabolism. It is the most common hormonal disorder found in young women. We don’t know what causes PCOS but certain genes are probably involved; most likely genes related to the production of testosterone and those that predispose to insulin resistance.

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