Lauren Gannon

Lauren Gannon is a registered Chinese Medicine practitioner and the Director of Acupuncture Pregnancy Clinic in Melbourne.

Lauren’s areas of interest in gynaecology and fertility started early on before she had completed her studies. She finds working in the fertility realm rewarding and enjoys the challenges of complex cases. Lauren’s primary motivation as a practitioner is helping others achieve their optimum level of health and well being, using holistic approaches that are balanced and sustainable.

Lauren’s love and passion for Chinese medicine began from her own journey to investigate and identify solutions into everyday health issues that individuals face as a result of the lifestyle and environmental conditions we live under. She noticed many health problems can be attributed to a stressful or unbalanced environment.

Lauren is also a registered herbalist and believes a combination of herbal medicine, acupuncture and correct supplementation leads to positive health outcomes. Lauren is known for her kind nature and feels honoured to support people through the often-bumpy journey that fertility issues can entail.

Outside of the clinic you will find Lauren taking long walks, dining out and spending time with friends and family.

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Acupuncture Pregnancy Clinic
The Acupuncture Pregnancy Clinic (formerly known as The Acupuncture IVF Support Clinic) a network of clinics that focus on supporting patients through their fertility, IVF and pregnancy journey.In NSW our clinics are located in Sydney CBD, Alexandria, Westmead and the Central Coast. We also have clinics in Victoria in East Melbourne and Mornington.As industry leaders in Traditional Chinese Medicine for fertility, all of our practitioners are degree-qualified in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, AHPRA registered and have extensive training and experience in reproductive medicine and offer private health rebates.